T o u c h l e s s

T o u c h l e s s

take a speechless photo of the moment before touch

take a speechless photo of the moment before touch

* Development of my own language

* All the combination of what I want

* taking photos
* The Museum of Analogue Reality
* Millennium Actress
* Me

The Museum of Analogue Reality

The Museum of Analogue Reality is a sci-fi theater experience in WORM / Ubik. Visitors enter the year 2095, in a vision of the future that is probably very different than they imagined. When you buy a ticket, you are free to roam the museum. Come early, leave for dinner and come back. Or stay the full four hours if you want. The Museum is never the same and especially lovely near closing time. Don’t let the future catch up with you, visit MOAR!

In the 21st century, technology evolved faster than we as humans were able to comprehend. We became more and more attached to our smart phones and social media. Eventually, it made more sense to just upload everyone into the cloud. The Museum of Analogue Reality was created to remind us what it’s like to interact with the physical world. Was it foolish of us to leave the ‘real’ world behind? Or is that just the nostalgia talking?
A movie studio is being torn down. TV interviewer Genya Tachibana has tracked down its best known star, Chiyoko Fujiwara, who has been a recluse since she retired from acting some 30 years ago. Tachibana delivers a key to her, and it causes her to reflect on her career; as she's telling the story, Tachibana and Kyoji Ida, his long-suffering cameraman, are drawn in. The key was given to her as a teenager by a painter and revolutionary that she helped to escape the police. She becomes an actress because it will make it possible to track him down, and she spends the next several decades acting out that search in various genres and eras.